The sanctuary.

I'm not much of an artist, I don't get a lot of time to get the paints out.
But when I do get out my wood cutting tools, inks and rollers and make a little print all on my own its pretty heart breaking for me when Gap Inc. a leading global specialty retailer with a fiscal 2010 revenues of $14.66 billion rips me off without a please or a thank you.
At first I didn't want to believe it. Then I looked hard at the 'Surf Meet with the no' above the 2' and the yellow speech bubble and I was sad. Whats even sadder is this blog is the only place that piece of art has been shown. So it means the thief has been right here in my own sanctuary.


  1. Mate that is not on , and to think they are suposed to be artists themselves.Mambo Jambo bastards

  2. dirty rotten scoundrels ! I never liked Gap anyway

  3. I'd be speaking to a good lawyer to try and re coup some of the intellectual property rights that's been infringed by the designers at the GAP. I think you might be in a good chance there as its pretty close. I'm no expert but from what Ive seen with photographic ripoffs yours looks pretty blatant,

    BTY weve met a few times before long time ago - friend of Katys and Clairs.. And at Deus

    Love the blog - especially the McCoy stuff : ) I’m a fan..



  4. Hi Damion, that's typical of all the big surf style companies as they have to come up with hundreds and hundreds of designs every season...obviously inspiration came via your art work...thats why they are a billion dollar company..i was told that if they change something like 10% or so they haven't infringed your design...either way its piss poor and makes you question the whole point of being an original artist...your now a member of the ripped of club i'm also a member too...Ross Rasta


  6. What a disgraceful act, perhaps they should lay off the counterfeiters, they have conducted the same type of theft!

  7. Maybe you could get a posting here to spread the word about the GAP rip-offs.
