I'm pleased to share with you my 5'11" Peter Schroff shaped 'Baby Swallow' single fin. I'm in love with the pink and black checker board spray and 80's decals. This board looks as current and exciting as anything currently on the market. This piece almost completes my mission to preserve a selection of important early 80's Californian 'Echo Beach' era shapers work. There are some obvious holes in the collection but so far we have:
Greg Pautsch McCoy, Peter Schroff 'Twin Fin Design', Simon Anderson Design Nectar thruster, Lance Colins single fin and a Lance Collins Wave Tools twin fin.
There is no signature on the stringer or foam, only this marking 5'11" on the glass around the fin box
The board originally came with a classic collection of 80's stickers and deck grip. PJ's surfrider Newport Beach shows its heritage, coming from the 'Echo beach' area.

I found this board just in time to co-inside with the modern single fin revial that's been spear headed by Rusty Preisendorfer.