Robbi wrote-
Attached are some pics of my Reno Sunset Gun. I would love to get it restored but think it would be too difficult and best left as is.
Reno sold this to me on one of his trips down under for the circuits back. He said it didnt go as well as he had hoped and I am not surprised.
Too straight in the tail. Reno made lots of boards for me and I loved the smoothness of them. I had one of the first stingers ever in Aust and rode it in a Coke trial at South Avalon.
It was stored for ages at Aloha while I tried to get Greg Clough to copy it. Never happened and it was 'lost'
I still have a newish Reno from his last trip down here.
He is a difficult item to deal with these days...ha but I love his boards!

Did Reno ever get A custom board made by Gordon and Smith, shaped by Peter townend with Reno on the nose, and plenty of colours and design.