I did some photos with Simon for an upcoming story in Slide Magazine on Deus. I was so stoked to get some good waves on my favorite board. Tom Eberly shaped, Hawaiian built, late 70's Lighting Bolt single fly swallow tail twin fin.
I am pleased to present, for your enjoyment, my newly aquired 'Lazor Zap' inspired 'Sky', needle nose, tear drop, double hip, swallow tail single fin shaped by Byron Bay master shaper Robert Fenech in 1982. A classic innovation period design. I love finding ex-pros boards as it gives me a real Sherlock Holmes mystery to solve as to who was riding it and where. The ultimate reward is finding a published photo in a vintage surf mag of the actual board, in action.
I love, that of the plethora of sponsors, none of the companies still exist. Yet each logo brings back a flood of memories.
And I just love those 80's geometric sprays.
(Not the original fin, but a nice new Captain Fin model)
Dass Australien mehr zu bieten hat als Känguruhs und Dauersonne, hatten wir uns schon lange gedacht. Aber dass es im Großraum Sydney einen derartigen Custom-Mikrokosmos gibt, nötigte uns schließlich dazu, mehr als nur ein paar Seiten für unser Aussie-Special locker zu machen. Hier findet sich nämlich für wirklich jeden Geschmack was: Da wäre zum Einen die Style-Elite von Deus Ex Machina. Eindeutig von japanischen Umbauten inspiriert, werden hier Einzylinder mit Langschwingen gebaut. Gerne aber auch Harleys und VMäxe und Triumphs und eigentlich auch alles andere. Nur etwas hochbeinig und eindeutig sportlich fallen die Deus-Bikes immer aus. Und selbst wer nur einen, nennen wir es mal Custom-Lifestyle leben will, ist bei den Jungs in Camperdown Sydney an der richtigen Stelle. Laden, Shop, Werkstatt und ein eigenes Café verbinden sich hier zum Gesamtkonzept von einem der erfolgreichsten Custom-Läden Australiens.
Barrett from Texas wrote- Dude, I have been tearing up the internet trying to find some information about a board I picked up recently. It says "Wayne Lynch Design", and "Rip Curl". From the research I've done it seems to be from the late 70's or early 80's. It's not signed by anyone, and the dimensions aren't listed on it, but it's around 5 11. It's a twin fin. Thank you so much! Any info you can give is much appreciated. I'm constantly cross-eyed from all the time I've spent looking for info.
Hey Barrett, Judging by the Clarke Foam decal we can safley say it was made in the States and not at Rip Curl in Torquay, Australia. Judging by the outline and single fly swallow tail its from 1979 or 1980. That means it was shaped by Bill Shrosbree at Moonlight Glassing and probably airbrushed by Peter St Pierre! I hope that makes your eyes feel better.
WHO: Surfers, Shapers, Designers, Craftsman, Manufacturers WHAT: Surfboards and the culture that flows from them. WHEN: April 10th 2010. WHERE: Ventura County Fairgrounds WHY: Because surfers really only care about two things; waves and the equipment to ride them with. PHOTOS: My good friend Mark at WOR
One of the worlds most instantly recognizable boards...
I'm so stoked to have gotten my hands on this board from the States.
I love the early 80's 3 fin, single fly, wide rounded square tail set up. My guess is its one of the first batch of US thrusters, along side the Nectar thrusters Simon Anderson was doing. Plus its in such amazing condition.
I love Wayne Lynch, who has always been one of my biggest surfing influences, especially during the 80's when he was living in a Tee Pee and only wearing all black wetsuits at the height of the flouro epidemic.
I love Surfy Surfy and the work of the guys at Moonlight Glassing and I'm so stoked to own an original Bill Shrosbree hand shape with airbrush by Peter St Pierre!
I love that its an 80's RIP CURL surfboard, because speaking from personal experience, I'm pretty sure that although RIP CURL made some beautiful surfboards in Torquay in the 70's they did not make a single RIP CURL surfboard in Australia in the 80's, as they were busy putting all their efforts into making pastel coloured poly cotton fleecy tracksuit pants out of China. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I love that my mate Tim in Hawaii found a similar board too!
In a nice footnote John from New York has sent me a pic of his matching Wayne Lynch Moonlight glassing thruster with similar Peter St Pierre spray.