My first ever custom ordered board was a little over the top even for 1983. I had waited so long for my own custom ordered board I added every feature possible just like when uncle Herb let Homer Simpson design a car. Homer added-
- Extremely large beverage holders.
- A horn 'here, here and here' cause 'you can never find it when you need it' and they all should play La Cucaracha".
- A little ball on top of the aerial so you can find it in the parking lot 'every car should have one'
- Tail fins.
- A giant spoiler.
- A 'letter box' intake on the bonnet.
- Bubble domes.
- Shag carpeting.
- For younger passengers a second soundproof bubble dome with optional straps and muzzles
Homer describes the car as "powerful like a gorilla, yet soft and yielding like a Nerf ball".
I added the following features to my space age custom surfboard design-- 6'0" Greg Clough shaped Aloha quad.
- Double fly.
- Swallow tail.
- Channel bottom.
- 4 fins, the front 2 bigger than the back two.
- Custom painted blue fade stripes on all 4 fins.
- Textured deck for super fast application of wax.
- Rails sprayed dark blue to light blue and deck sprayed light blue to white with logo transfers with every colour available.
I describe the board as borderline unrideable as the channels fought the fin set up andthe double flyer swallow ail just made things even more complicated.
So when I found a similar example of the design for sale for $15 recently at a garage sale in Bondi naturally I just had to have it.
thats hilarious! i have a question though, why is it borderline unrideable? :)